
Goodwill: What is it, and how will it affect my deal?

What is goodwill? You’ve probably heard the term; you might’ve even used it. Depending upon the speaker and their industry, you might get different jargon-sometimes we hear it as an “air ball” or “blue sky.” In accounting, goodwill is an intangible asset, included in the balance sheet like intellectual property.  The concept of goodwill arises when […]

Goodwill: What is it, and how will it affect my deal? Read More »

Why Selling Your Business Yourself Sounds Simple, But Almost Never Is

The decision to sell a business is a major event. For many business owners, they’ve spent years building a professional legacy that has value that extends well beyond dollars and cents. And yet, as big of a milestone, as significant of an event a sale is in the lives of owners, many don’t treat it

Why Selling Your Business Yourself Sounds Simple, But Almost Never Is Read More »

Earnouts: Common Misconceptions & Cases When Sellers Should Seize the Opportunity

It’s true: earnouts typically benefit buyers. But here’s something else that’s equally true: sometimes earnouts can be positive for sellers. Why the paradox? In short, because it depends. While sellers may commonly perceive earnouts in a negative connotation, there are times when a seller should be excited for the opportunity presented in an earnout. Some of those

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Selling your business in the International Takeover Market

When selling your company internationally, a number of careful considerations must be made. One of the things you need to consider is whether you wish to sell your company to a national (Dutch) or international party. What is involved in selling a company to an international party? What are the advantages and how does the

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Cornerstone International Alliance sets new record: $1.3 billion in business transactions

(Green Bay, WI United States) After a record setting year in 2021, Cornerstone International Alliance members, a consortium of industry-leading lower middle market mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and investment banking firms, shattered that record in 2022, completing 169 deals with an enterprise value of more than $1.3 billion. “2021 was a milestone year with $1.1

Cornerstone International Alliance sets new record: $1.3 billion in business transactions Read More »