Information & Technology

In the Information Industry, the M&A landscape in the lower-middle market is thriving, driven by several key trends that present significant opportunities for privately held businesses. The rapid expansion of data analytics and big data technologies is transforming how companies operate and make decisions. Firms that offer advanced data processing, analytics, and business intelligence solutions are highly attractive to strategic buyers seeking to leverage data for competitive advantage.

For owners of privately held information businesses, embracing these trends can significantly enhance their market value and positioning in the active M&A landscape. Adopting cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions is key to capturing growth opportunities in this rapidly evolving industry.


A selection of milestones of past successful transactions in the Information space. Click below to view more.

Public relations company specialising in the enterprise technology sector

has been acquired by

Forward Corporate Finance

Publisher for Professional Practices

has been acquired by

Plain Language Media, LLC
Walden Businesses

Internet Service Provider

has been acquired by

A&A Office Systems
Touchstone Advisors

Provider of specialized automation and IT services in Den Bosch for B2B clients

has been acquired by

Florijnz Corporate Finance

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